Evergreen Turf farms
31.83685° -106.70602° 4,081' MSL (the headquarters for the farm operations)
USHPA required notification: The RGSA and Southwest Airsports recommend that you do not fly at this site as it is not a chapter managed site. If you do choose to fly at this site, you must take full responsibility for your actions, and recognize that you are fully and solely liable for any damage incurred by yourself, to others, or to others’ property. This site is unimproved with significant safety issues, including potentially challenging wind and thermal conditions. Flying at this site can be risky to the pilot, property owners, and our sport as a whole. This site is unpermitted, uninsured, unmanaged, and unimproved. This site is, however, an insured training site for Southwest Airsports and is used by its students.
These farms are privately owned and posted. Southwest Airsports, students, and visitors used the farms for approximately (15) years until we ceased our operations in southern New Mexico in early 2020. All others must have permission from Evergreen Turf (575) 589-0401 to enter the farms. As there is no longer any PG towing, PPG is all that can be done at the farms. THIRD PARTY LIABILITY INSURANCE IS REQUIRED OF ALL PPG USERS OF THE FARMS. Because of extensive theft of turf and equipment, the main entrance to the farms is now locked except during business hours.
Turf farm #1 is often available to the public and is not behind a fence or gate. However, it is now an alfalfa field and we have to stay off of it if the alfalfa is more than a few inches high. They cannot harvest the alfalfa if it has been trodden down by vehicles (especially) and foot launched PPG.
Directions to the Sod Farms.
The turf farms looking northeast. This photo includes the newer 4th turf farm.
A PPG and PG training-towing site and our safest and best area to train in the region. This site is available through the generosity of Evergreen Turf, Inc. First time visitors will need a guide – please contact us as there are hazards at the site (watch dogs, power lines, irrigation equipment, etc.)
Do not drive any vehicles on the grass. Please stay out of the way of all workmen and their equipment.
Users may always send a note of thanks to the Manager.
Evergreen Turf,
P.O. Box 18
Santa Teresa, NM 88008.
(575) 589-0401
Below, the towing rig setup can just be seen at the western edge of the most southern turf farm.
Kiting practice at the turf farm. Pilot is Otis Gillespie, a firefighter from Ventura California.