Directions to the Evergreen Turf Farms
Always check with us before coming out.
31.8355° -106.6942° Evergreen Turf Farms field headquarters
At this time, we are using farm #4 for most training. Look for our 15' long orange windsock and a group of vehicles somewhere on the perimeter. Note: We can be anywhere because of wind direction, turf conditions, or by request of the farm manager.
Directions to the turf farms headquarters and farm #4
1. Take Exit 8 on I-10 (Artcraft Road/Pete Domenici Hwy 136/178) and go west and then south for about 8 miles to Strauss Rd and turn right (west) at the traffic light.
2. Continue on Straus Rd 0.25 miles and you will see turf farm #1 directly on your right. The dirt road to HQ is on your left. Turn left and go about 1/3 mile. There is now a gate on the road to the headquarters and is locked after hours. We have a key to the gate so pilots can exit the farms after hours.
3. Study the photo carefully in order to get to the various farms. Nothing is marked, there are no road signs. To get to farm #4 from HQ, go west along the perimeter road that goes around the southerly portion of farm #2 until you get to the road that enters farm #4. The perimeter roads are drivable by most vehicles.
To order turf: Call the Evergreen office at (575) 589-0401
The view below is northeast. Since this photo was made there have been some new buildings in the area but the farms remain in the same location.