RGSA 1st Quarterly Meeting January 25, 2020 7:00PM dinner meeting
Location: 1501 Aspen Ave. Las Cruces, NM (home of Bill &Terry)
In attendance: Lee & Erica Boone, Rod Burton, Steve Crye, Bill & Terry Cummings, Mike Ellsworth, Robin & Nancy Hastings, Matt Hayes, Doak Hoover, Wyatt Lines, Hadley & Marilyn Robinson, Byron Stevens
1. Meeting opened, after a 7:00 pm potluck supper, with Secretary (Had Robinson) and Treasurer (Steve Crye) reports. Hadley reported that all current paperwork relating to the RGSA as a USHPA chapter and as a 501(c)7 corporation are in order, “in full compliance with state and national laws”. Steve reported that the current assets of the RGSA are $3481.96 with $2894.46 in First National Bank in Alamogordo and $587.50 in our PayPal account. These values will increase, since dues were collected during the evening.
2. Officers for 2020 were elected. Results: President: Terry Cummings Vice President: Wyatt Lines Secretary: Robin Hastings Treasurer: Steve Crye
3. Old business: Fun Fly events (Memorial Day weekend, Columbus Day weekend) were reported on by Robin and Wyatt and Steve. Status of roads (rough!) at Dry Canyon and Little Florida sites were reported on. The Dry Canyon road was almost impassable, as of its last known use in October. It requires maintenance with heavy equipment. Bill, Robin and Tony Conger did some work on the road up the Little Floridas, which is still usable.
4. Visiting pilots were reported on. We had 4 from Colorado in January, and others throughout the year, such as Tony Conger and Ben Stembridge, and Jim MacNutt. Robin noted that James Gibson is expected in March 2020. Hadley reported on Minnie Burke, who could not attend the RGSA meeting but is a very enthusiastic P2 pilot. Steve Crye reported on Chris Mendoza, P2 pilot in Las Cruces, who would like to fly with us.
5. Terry reported that Erica Klein, at USHPA, reached out to ask if there was anything the USHPA can do for our club. Terry will call Erica about actual regulations for Wilderness Area travel.
6. A logo for possible T-shirt and other apparel for the RGSA was displayed by Terry. Some modifications were requested and approved of. T-shirts should be available soon, and possibly hats.
7. A motion to move our next RGSA Quarterly meeting from the end of April to Saturday, May 2nd was approved. Time to be determined, and location to be in the City of Alamogordo.
8. Club events for 2020: a) The annual Presidents Day Gathering at the Guadalupes, Feb. 14-17. b) A Memorial Day Weekend Fun Fly at Dry Canyon. c) A Columbus/Indigenous Peoples Day Fun Fly at Dry Canyon (October). d) A parachute deploy & repack clinic on April 18, 2020. Location TBD.
9. Wyatt brought up the issue of voting on RGSA items remotely. This can be readily arranged electronically, stated Steve Crye. It was proposed that only members living in the RGSA area (i.e., West Texas and New Mexico) should have a vote in RGSA matters.
10. Wyatt Lines volunteered to be Meet Head for the Memorial Day Fun Fly, May 23-25, 2020.
11. Meeting adjourned about 10:00 pm. Leftovers were generously distributed among all members who would take some, and our hosts Bill and Terry Cummings were repeatedly thanked.
by Robin Hastings, secretary RGSA