RGSA 4th Quarterly Meeting October 26, 2019 11:30PM lunch meeting
Location: Adobe Deli Deming, NM
Present: VP Wyatt Lines (parlimentarian), Treas. Steve Crye, Safety Officer Robin Hastings, Bill Cummings, Secretary Had Robinson
Absent: president Terry Cummings
Old business:
1.) Welcome chit chat
2.) Dry Canyon Fly-In - great time! Steve, Robin, and Wyatt commented on pilots, light air, and the ordered food (the most important thing). Robin: we had 18 pilots at the event. Everyone noted how bad the road is to launch. How do we fix it? Robin noted that pilots have fixed it in the past. Currently, the NFS said they will get it done - eventually. We shouldn't bug them. Shall we do it ourselves? Hard work might make it passable. Robin volunteered to do the heavy work. Steve & Bill (our idea guys) will supervise. Robin is the only guy who is in shape. Had is retired.
3.) Finances Steve: PayPal balance is $411.40. Bank balance is $3,070.77. Robin: We're doing pretty well. Steve: SSA has helped us a lot. Trend is down per donations and our balance. We need to spend less on ordinary express.
4.) Flying sites Bill: Little Floridas & Dry need work, especially the access roads. Robin: LF's is an H2 site. Wyatt: LF's is not a challenging site. P2 when conditions are safe. Robin: LF's launch needs some help. Steve: Agave launch run has too much vegetation (CatClaw) which makes it a bit unsafe. Steve volunteered to take care of it. Nelson's is weed free. Robin: Dry launch = OK. Steve: Mag needs some gardening done. Little white plant needs to go. Robin: Volcanic Peak - snakes not bad. Bill: might be a better PG launch but Steve noted that are too many rocks. Robin: main launch NE and north. Wyatt: Black Mtn. may have possibilities but will need a lot work. Steve: Kilbourne is all good. Mr. Johns is always good to see us. Had: Sod farms are all good but owner requires all pilots to have insurance. Robin: Mesquite Dam - good for HG training. Holes/pits bad from bikers. Anapra: Robin asked about the BP construction? Is it a problem? Steve said "no". Wyatt: White Water Ded near Silver City. Worked well. East direction is harder. West direction has mountains that cause rotor and stealth thermals.
5.) Training: Bill noted we had a visitor from TX - Ben Stembridge. Trained at Mesquite Dam. Did well but had a mishap. Tony Conger launched him successful at LF's and had an hour flight. Had noted that he has 4 new pilots being trained, mostly transients (military). Only one may hang around, Minnie Burke. Robin asked how do we sell HG training better? Why not put a blurb on SWA web sight? (Had: happy to do it. Who will write it up?)
6.) New Business: Events for 2019 Wyatt: Is there a Veteran's Day Fly-In in the Franklins? It's on the website. Steve take it down because of the P3 requirements.
7.) Adjournment: everybody agreed to adjourn the meeting.