RGSA 2nd Quarterly Meeting April 27, 2019 8:15PM – minutes
Location: 1501 Aspen Ave, Las Cruces, NM (Bill & Terry Cummings’ home)
Agenda Items sent out Friday, April 19, 2019, 10:15 pm
Attendees: Robin & Nancy Hastings, Jim MacNutt, Bill & Terry Cummings, Doak Hoover, Wyatt Lines, Steve Crye, Mike Reedy
1.) Call to Order
2.) Intro of Officers
3.) Introduction of any new pilots/members in attendance
4.) Review/discussion/approval of Treasurer’s Report - OK
5.) Review/discussion/approval of Secretary’s Report and Minutes of Jan 26 Annual Mtg – OK approved
6.) Discussion of Old Business:
- Proposal: Rename RGSA Memorial Day Fly-In for Tommy & Cindy West – Good discussion, These two really got the fly-in going. Bill C. moved we approve the name change. Jim 2nd the motion. The vote was unanimous to approve.
- Proposal: Rename RGSA Columbus Day Fly-In for Anne Dunlap – it was suggested that we wait until the next meeting in July.
- Memorial Day Fly-In Trophies progress? – wait until Steve Crye arrives.
- Change RGSA Bylaws to identify Quarterly Mtgs vs the current Monthly wording (Article III, Section B: Regular Meetings) (Re: July 28, 2018 mtg minutes) – another good discussion. Meeting in Oct & Jan are supper meetings, meeting in April & July are breakfast meetings. Terry made the motion to accept the new meeting times. Jim 2nd. Motion carries and vote was unanimous to accept. Bill C. made the motion to have quarterly meeting rather than monthly meeting (change the by-laws). Robin 2nd, vote to have quarterly meetings was unanimous.
- Discuss identifying item-voting requirements re: passage/denial by a quorum re: Article III, Section C: Quorum (Majority of members present? Majority of Officers present?) (Re: July 28, 2018 mtg minutes) - Big discussion. Terry C. discussed that we can have a proxy vote with the following criteria: 1. Sender identified 2. Recipient must be an RGSA member 3. Date given. 4. Proxy request for items. Terry moved to table who can be members of the RGSA. What is a quorum? Was moved to table this for the next meeting.
- Discuss digitally recording meetings for improved accuracy of written minutes
- Re: July 28, 2018 mtg minutes to be discussed at Oct 27th mtg - no motion made to do this.
- Is the RGSA ByLaw re: Resign and Expel going to stand w/o further discussion? (Re: April 28, 2018 mtg minutes) – no adjustment
7.) New Business Discussion Topics (as suggested by members):
- All permits in-hand/fees paid/notifications made to City of Alamogordo re: 2019 Memorial Day Fly-In (Terry) - Robin agreed to do this by mid-May.
- Identify member responsibilities for this May 24-27 RGSA event (Terry) 1. Launch director = Robin 2. Meet Head = Wyatt
- At future BLM mtg re: new Wilderness Area designations: - taken care of . Questions that SHOULD/SHOULD NOT be asked (Bill) - discussion but no motions made
- RGSA charity contributions (Terry) - no. Rather, build a $$ reserve for future unexpected expenses, site/access road improvement, or give Holiday gifts (turkey, ham…) to landowners, etc. (John Gallagher) – yes. Bank account low at times re bad weather reduces donation-contributing pilot/spectator attendance, as fly-ins are our main fundraiser (Lee)
- Use free conference/web meetings for those unable to attend mtgs (John) – can discuss this in July
- Identify requirements/procedure needed to be a “MeetHead” (Wyatt) – done, good discussion
8.) Adjourn meeting – Wyatt adjourned the meeting