RGSA 32nd annual meeting minutes 2013
January 19, 2013 Golden Corral Restaurant, Alamogordo, NM
by Had Robinson, Secretary
1. Mike Ellsworth, Robin Hastings, Matt Hayes, Lee Boone, Jan Richter, Jan Z, Lee Baker, and Had Robinson flew at La Luz the afternoon before the meeting. Rod Burton & John Hotovec were
2. Robin Hastings, President, opened meeting
3. Had Robinson, Secretary, gave the financial report. $ 264.50 in the bank and our insurance for the year PAID.
4. Robin moved that
we increase dues for 2013 to $30. Move was seconded and passed.
5. Everyone at the meeting introduced themselves. Members present: Mike Ellsworth, Rod Burton, Bill Cummings, Lee Boone
(vice-president), Lee Baker, Robin Hastings (president), Denae Nemanic w friend Brian, Matt Hayes, Had Robinson (secretary/treasurer), John Hotovec
6. Had noted that we had a good year for
training pilots – about 20. Most were transients and moved on. We have (3) new PG pilots trained by Had that flew at La Luz today.
7. Report on Columbus Day, Memorial Day, Amigo Airshow. It was
a good year.
8. Items for Discussion
a. LZ at Dry Canyon – may have to have our shade structure moved. Currently no access from the east but that will change soon.
b. Dry Canyon access
road – needs some manual cleanup (by hand). Robin suggested we have a club workday. Needs a second wind sock at Curt’s Bluff.
c. Other Sites: Kilbourne has been good this year. Little Floridas
– Bill noted that the carpet at launch is so bleached out that it is visible from Google earth. Pilots noted Adobe Deli is a great place to eat near Deming.
d. New launch site: Magdalena Peak –
southwest face should be good for PG and HG.
e. 2013 Events
Guadalupe Event on President’s Day. Bill C. and Mike E. had an argument about how far from the rim to the LZ. Robin said it’s 50
miles. Mike was right.
Earth Day – Robin’s event
Memorial Day at Dry Canyon – OK’d. Bill C. LZ and grill guy, John Hotovec is the meet-head, Lee Boone will do the T-shirts and trophies (only
one first for each event), Matt Hayes will be the launch director,
Columbus Day - will be very casual.
9. Election of Officers for the new year.
a. President – Matt Hayes – election was
almost unanimous except Mike E said “no”. Thank goodness a fight didn’t break out!
b. Vice President – Mike Ellsworth – unanimously elected.
c. Sec/Treas. – Had – unanimous
d. Safety
Officer – Robin Hastings – Robin graciously accepted.
10. Meeting was adjourned. Everyone had a great time!