RGSA 31st annual meeting minutes 2012
January 21, 2012 (did not note the location - does anyone remember?)
by Had Robinson, acting Secretary with help from Robin Hastings
Members Present
Robin Hastings $50/dual (dues paid at meeting)
Had Robinson
Bill Cummings $25
John Theoret
Lee Boone $25
Mike Ellsworth $25 = Total for meeting $125
1. Robin, President of the RGSA, opened the meeting
2. Report on Finances: Had reported that we had (before current dues) $1,197.27 in our bank account. Robin suggested we get the other members to pay our dues soon.
3. Report on Flying and Facilities
a. Lee & Had need to check out Wyler Tramway in the Franklins for launching.
b. FMSP – we may be able to use an ATV or a 4 wheel to access Agave and a section of the road to the top to N. Mt. Franklin. Lee and I will check out access to Mundy’s Gap
c. Site work at Lee’s Lookout – scheduled February 4th at 1PM.
4. Report on training of new pilots (Had Robinson) – 3 new student pilots with a possibility of 3 more. Robin said, “Say ‘Hi’ to Daniel Moquin & family.”
5. Known issues
a. New windsock for Cox Field LZ – we voted spend the money to buy a new windsock for the LZ. George Woodcock can get the price on it. Price will be in the range of about $100-$150. Mike E. will call George to get the ball rolling.
b. Access to Cox Field LZ – Bill C. reported that it is currently blocked but there is access from the north. Robin will call the Park to check out access and future of the cabana.
c. Access to launches and landing fields misc. - It’s good to have carpet for the PG pilots at our fly ins. BC Launch is accessible and was flown for the first time by Had in a PG.
d. New Sites – Windy Point now has a great LZ for both PG and HG thanks to the Mescalero-Apaches. DACA will allow us access for PPG and probably PG towing.
6. Events for 2012
a. Mesilla Valley Balloon Rally – Glenn, Had, and Lee were more popular than the balloons
b. President’s Day at the Guads – February 18-20. Attended by many HG pilots but no PG pilots.
c. Earth Day Fair in Alamo – by Robin Hastings will host the soaring pilots at the Fair, April 28th.
d. Dry Canyon Memorial Day Fly-In - May 26 - 28
e. Columbus Day Fly-In – October 6 - 8
f. PG Fly-In at FMSP – November 10 - 12 Veterans Day Weekend
7. All other issues of concern to the RGSA – not many
8. Election and Dues – new officers
a. Secretary-Treasurer Had Robinson
b. President – Robin Hastings
c. Vice-President – Lee Boone