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RGSA 29th annual meeting minutes 2010

January 30, 2010 Golden Corral Restaurant, Alamogordo, NM (location may not be correct)

by George Woodcock, Secretary


David Church
Vincent Strader
Lee Boone
Mike Ellsworth
Velma Woodcock
George Woodcock
Doak Hoover
Bill Cummings
Robin Hastings
Had Robinson

Doak opened – apologized for not doing more but he had a pretty bad year with his work. El Paso is more open to flying than ever.

Financial report -- : George – Finances are good – $1,100 in the bank. Total expense for the year will be about $700 w/o initial expenses for flyins. 39 members this year. $425/yr for flight insurance for Dry, Agave, Luz, Alamo Airport, or any area with 8 miles of the Agave and Dry sites. The meets basically pay for themselves. Overall, we are doing well financially. Treasurer’s report was approved – BC moved and we all approved.

V. talked about going to Tucson for training.

Kilbourne Hole & Agave Hill – Robin – noted how good Kilbourne is for hang gliding. Agave is not as good for HG because of the stuff out front but Doak noted it might be fixable

Memorial Day – Velma. – we will get more pilots from out of town if we do towing tasks as well. We can use the Alamogordo airport. Vincent volunteered to design the T’s for this year. We can use Zazzle and they can put the design on anything. Visitors can order a shirt online and we can also have a bunch on hand.

Dry Canyon fix up April 10-11 - Doak , George, and Robin discussed improving the ramp at Dry – it needs concrete. Robin – we need a bailout for Dry as we just lost the one along Scenic Drive north of the hospital. BC suggested that we use an area near the city pump house. Work day & club campout – 2nd weekend in April 10-11. Mike E. is going to make up the plans for the ramp improvement.

La Luz needs fix up – Robin suggested that we use the Scouts to help. Time would be 3rd weekend in March. Had will contact the Scouts for public service help.

Columbus Day – George and Velma commented on getting it setup.

Lee Boone asked about having a flat-land tow/thermal fly-in.?


Robin was nominated as President. Vote was unanimous.
Had was nominated as Vice- President. Vote was mostly in favor w Had voting against.
George was nominated as Secretary again. Those present voted in favor and he was thanked profusely for helping so much.
Vincent was nominated as News Editor. Those present voted in favor. He will set up a blog for sharing photos, etc.

George nominated Had as “Instructor of the Year 2010” for the RGSA

President and chief enforcer Robin Hastings approved the RGSA Yahoo Group as the mode for communications to members.

Robin took a moment at the end of the meeting to review: Finances are good! We have a fly-in for Memorial and Columbus. Possibility a tow-in in November. Road day work for La Luz – March 20-21. Road day for Dry road and launch work April 10-11. After La Luz work day, we will have a meeting in Alamogordo at the Golden Trough. Robin is taking care of the publicity for the fly-ins on Memorial & Columbus Days.

Robin moved to adjourn and it was unanimously approved.