Introduction to Flying Sites in the Southwest
All pilots must carefully study the weather forecasts (especially the
raw balloon data) that are available on the front page of this web site
before flying in this region. Your safety depends on it.
You can study our
introduction to southwest weather if you need help.
It is
important to note that overhead disturbances, thermal activity, and the
Jet Stream can greatly affect our flying in the region. Thermals
and atmospheric disturbances can cause the Jet to mix down to the
surface and cause dangerous sheer turbulence. If you see any
gusting in the
hourly forecasts and the
Jet is
overhead, our experience is: stay on the ground â unless you want to
rock and roll.
In general, it is best to stay on the ground if there is any gusting in
the forecasts. A solid inversion way overhead, however, will protect us from what is going on above.
Here are some suggestions.
Dry Canyon
is our most consistently good site. It is a better hang gliding
than paragliding site because of the intense thermals that drift up the
canyon. The PG launch at Dry is a 15 minute hike south of the main
HG launch. The downside of Dry is that it is minimum of 40 minutes
to drive to launch.
If winds are east: We suggest Anapra. Anapra can be driven to but a guide is necessary as we have to pass through
private land to get to launch. Alternately, if you drive to the LZ out in front, you can hike up the hill and will not have to pass through private land.
If winds are southwesterly or west: Kilbourne Hole maar works well. Agave Hill is a
12 minute hike. Agave has a safer launch but does not work as
well when winds are light. Lee's is virtually guaranteed getting up and out
in the Franklins if you can get off launch safely. Mt. Riley is workable
with winds from north to east to southwest. Southeast is best.
If the winds are weak to moderate from any direction:
Nelsons is a 40 minute
hike to the top but if conditions are weak everywhere, it is a
guaranteed flight with a tremendous view and the ability to stay up
until dark (even in weak conditions) because of thermals merging
southwest of the peak. Always check winds aloft at 9Kâ to be sure
that they are under 18 mph in order to safely launch!
We ask
that all visiting pilots donate a few bucks to the
RGSA to help us keep our sites safe and accessible. Thanks so much!