Transmountain Pass
31.884692° -106.505379° 5,050' MSL +400' AGL
LZ 31.910659° -106.519001° and 31.876146° -106.519084°
Bail LZ's: PG/HG 31.871923° -106.507787° PG only 31.882664°
All pilots must register with the authorities before flying in Franklin Mountains State Park.
USHPA required notification: The RGSA and Southwest Airsports recommend that you do not fly at this site as it is not a chapter managed site. If you do choose to fly at this site, you must take full responsibility for your actions, and recognize that you are fully and solely liable for any damage incurred by yourself, to others, or to others’ property. This site is unimproved with significant safety issues, including potentially challenging wind and thermal conditions. Flying at this site can be risky to the pilot, property owners, and our sport as a whole. This site is unpermitted, uninsured, unmanaged, and unimproved.
Notes & Features
Easily accessible by vehicle from State Hwy #375
LZ – anywhere out front on the finger (PG). HG LZ bail is a
flat road out in front 31.871217° -106.509017°. HG normal LZ
31.871217° -106.509017°(access road inside Tom Mays Unit of the Park)
Flyable with winds from 240°-280°
Minimum wind to soar or climb out
8-10 mph
Thermals drift in at launch during the warmer parts of the day
Pilots can thermal out at launch in lesser winds
Note: Please
read the
Introduction to Agave Hill for important information. All pilots
registered to fly any of the sites in Franklin Mountains State Park
Transmountain Pass – View is northwest. The PG launch area is
just beyond and below the visitor parking at the top of the Pass (the bulged
out area near the highway). Launch is near the top of the long finger
that runs from the highway to the flats in front of the range. The HG
launch is closer to the Pass itself and is not visible in this photo.
John Theoret – just after landing on the Tom Mays Unit access road. The Park has graciously allowed pilots to land on the roads within the Park.
Launching from the steep slopes and cliffs in the
desert mountains requires good kiting skills. It is hazardous to inflate and
then immediately turn before stabilizing your glider overhead for a few
seconds or more. Many pilots have damaged their equipment and been banged-up
attempting to launch in the often turbulent air that characterizes the air
we fly in. Pilots must have the skills to kite a glider overhead under
control before attempting a launch, especially in strong air. In addition,
all pilots should master inflating their gliders with the A's in one hand
and the C's or D's in the other. You may have to de-power your glider at any
moment and this is the only way you can safely do it while attempting a
launch. Pulling deep on the brakes does NOT de-power your glider! In
addition, you will not have time to go searching for the correct risers if
things start to go wrong and you do not have the correct ones in your hands.
Jamming the brakes will only make things worse. If you need training on how
to do this, we can help.