Dona Ana County Airport
USHPA required notification: The RGSA and Southwest Airsports recommend that you do not fly at this site as it is not a chapter managed site. If you do choose to fly at this site, you must take full responsibility for your actions, and recognize that you are fully and solely liable for any damage incurred by yourself, to others, or to others’ property. This site is unimproved with significant safety issues, including potentially challenging wind and thermal conditions. Flying at this site can be risky to the pilot, property owners, and our sport as a whole. This site is unpermitted, uninsured, unmanaged, and unimproved.
31° 52.640'N 106° 42.140'W 4,111'
This is a PPG site ONLY. Stay south of the taxi-ways & run-ways. All PPG pilots must register with the airport manager, Vernon Wilson and notify the airport authorities when they intend to fly at the airport. All PPG pilots must have a UNICOM radio in order to announce flight plans, etc. and hear airport traffic. For info, contact the airport manager at 575-589-1232. First time visitors should have a guide.
Zak Hargraves kiting on the tarmac west of the War Eagles Museum at the airport. In a moment, Zak will start his engine and take off. The asphalt here is very smooth and, of course, flat. The air here goes up during the day because of the hot asphalt which is good for ultralights.